Wednesday 19 June 2024

Navigating water challenges – Our visit to Sandeep Vihar Apartments


As we completed our visit to Allure Avani, we were taken to the next site. We visited Sandeep Vihar apartments in Kannamangala, Bengaluru, to gain insights into their water management challenges and potential solutions. We were first introduced to Mr. Navneeth Rao, a retired colonel and resident of Sandeep Vihar apartments. He gave a brief insight about the site and its water related issues followed by giving us a tour of the apartment.

Biome Water team with Sandeep Vihar residents

Sandeep Vihar Apartments have a significant daily water consumption of 4.5 lakh liters. Previously, the site had a direct connection to the Kaveri River, supplying water four times a week, ensuring that the sumps within the site remained full. However, this dependency shifted dramatically when the Kaveri Basin went dry, forcing the community to heavily rely on water tankers.

Initially, the site used 7-8 tankers, but the drying up of Kaveri Basin has increased this reliance up to 35 tankers per day. This situation underscores the urgent need for sustainable water management practices.

The site has 19 bore wells out of which only 5 are operational, while rest are dried up. The limited focus maintaining and utilizing bore wells has increased the issue of water scarcity. To address this, a proposal has been planned by the Biome Water team to incorporate recharge wells near the existing bore wells that still yield water. This approach aims to replenish the groundwater and make the bore wells more reliable over time.

Biome Team marking the locations of RWH pits

Mr. Navneeth Rao advocates for a gradual implementation of these solutions. He emphasizes considering the diverse opinions of the residents regarding water usage and management, preferring a slow and steady approach to see better, long term results. After finishing the tour of the apartment, we were taken back to the lobby area and were served with delicious samosas and tea. We also had a general talk with him regarding Indian water systems and the mindset of Indian people.  

Mr. Navneeth Rao taking us through the site

In conclusion, our visit here was an eye opening experience, highlighting the critical need for sustainable water management in urban settings. This visit also reinforced the value of community involvement and thoughtful planning in addressing water scarcity issues, ensuring a more sustainable future for Sandeep Vihar. 


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